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Harvard Club - Japan: Exclusive Dinner with Akiko Freeman

Where: Ritz Carlton Hinokizaka [map it!] Harvard Club of Japan

Experience exquisite wines poured at the White House! 

To kick off the first Vino Veritas event of the year, the Harvard Club of Japan is pleased to present an intimate dinner with the acclaimed vintner Akiko Freeman of Freeman Winery. Akiko’s Chardonnay, “Ryo-fu”, was poured at the White House banquet when Abe Shinzo visited Barack Obama in April 2015. In addition, her Pinot Noir was ranked 22 in the Wine Spectator's Top 100 Wines in 2011 as well as listed amongst Food & Wine Magazine's Best 30 Pinots in the World. Please join us for an intimate evening with Akiko at the Ritz Carlton Hinokizaka private room.  

SOLD OUT, Sorry.

For more details click here


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